Friday, February 13, 2009

Detach from the Buffy...

Okay, so we mark week 1 of our new exercise program, and I survived-which doesn't really come as a surprise, but there you have it :-) Week two is going to be a little trickier. I'm looking forward to a day off-even if it is Valentine's Day. Here's next week's lineup:

Day 1: Walk 15 min., Run 1 min., Walk 2 min.
Day 2: Walk 5 min. Run 3 min. Repeat for 21 min.
Day 3: Walk 15 min., Run 1 min., Walk 2 min.
Day 4: Walk 5 min. Run 3 min. Repeat for 21 min.
Day 5: Walk 15 min., Run 1 min., Walk 2 min.

On the flip side, we're also taking acai berry for a test run. We'll so if it lives up to its hype. I was extremely lucky and got a great deal on a month's supply, so we'll be able to give it a quick run and see how it lives up to its press. If it doesn't, well, I'm out 30 bucks. If it does it might become a new addition to my permanent diet-like I don't pop enough pills in a day.

Anyway, I need to detack from the Buffy (which I've been watching way to much of for the past few days) and get back to work. I'm hoping to be able to take Valentine's Day off, but we'll see if it happens :-)

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